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Keep Calm and do your homework



What is My Homework!?!

Use the links below to access each teacher's Google Classroom site. This will only be accessible if you are currently enrolled in that particular class! 

English Department

Teacher Tonight's Homework

History Department

Teacher Tonight's Homework

Math Department

Teacher Tonight's Homework

Science Department

Teacher Tonight's Homework

Special Services Department

Teacher Tonight's Homework

Foreign Language

Teacher Tonight's Homework

Electives Department

Teacher Class Tonight's Homework



Physical Education Department

Teacher Tonight's Homework

Homework Help Tips

Now that we are well under way in the school year, you may be having some questions or concerns about homework. Homework provides many benefits for children. It helps to reinforce lessons taught during the day. Homework can help to develop study skills that can be used throughout the child’s life. It can help to teach children time management, independence and responsibility. Your child should be spending about 30 minutes to one hour each day with homework. Reading is always encouraged and should be a part of a daily routine for every student. Listed below are 12 homework tips that will help you and your child to be successful at doing homework and ultimately lead to greater success academically. 

Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework. Avoid having your child do homework with the television on or in places with other distractions, such as people coming and going. 

Make sure the materials your child needs, such as paper, pencils and a dictionary, are available. Ask your child if special materials will be needed for some projects and get them in advance. 

Help your child with time management. Establish a set time each day for doing homework. Don't let your child leave homework until just before bedtime. Think about using a weekend morning or afternoon for working on big projects, especially if the project involves getting to-gether with classmates. 

Be positive about homework. Tell your child how important school is. The attitude you express about homework will be the attitude your child ac-quires. 

When your child does homework, you do homework. Show your child that the skills they are learning are related to things you do as an adult. If your child is reading, you read too. If your child is doing math, balance your checkbook. 

When your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. Giving answers means your child will not learn the material. Too much help teaches your child that when the going gets rough, someone will do the work for him or her. 

When the teacher asks that you play a role in homework, do it. Cooperate with the teacher. It shows your child that the school and home are a team. Follow the directions given by the teacher. 

If homework is meant to be done by your child alone, stay away. Too much parent involvement can prevent homework from having some positive effects. Homework is a great way for kids to develop independent, lifelong learning skills. 

Stay informed. Talk with your child's teacher. Make sure you know the purpose of homework and what your child's class rules are. 

Help your child figure out what is hard homework and what is easy homework. Have your child do the hard work first. This will mean he will be most alert when facing the biggest challenges. Easy material will seem to go fast when fatigue begins to set in. 

Watch your child for signs of failure and frustration. Let your child take a short break if she is having trouble keeping her mind on an assignment. 

Make sure your child has been properly “fueled” before starting homework. 

Offer a light, nutritious snack if your child has just returned home from school or extra activities before beginning homework. 



Work is available on Google Classroom for the vast majority of teachers. It is important that if a student is absent that they communicate to their teachers and ask about what was missed.