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Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success. It is also important that students arrive at school on time. Arriving late not only deprives a child of valuable instruction, but it disrupts the learning of the other students in the classroom.  

Parents must report absences. If your student is ABSENT FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY(S):

  • Please call the attendance phone line at 707-890-3880 ext. 31110 BEFORE NOON and leave a message; OR
  • Email Jacqueline Vargas Mendez at

You will need to include your students’ name, the date of the absence, and if there is a medical or non-medical reason for the absence. You must call every day that your child is absent to resolve the absence. If your student will be absent for a known number of days please indicate that when you call. An automated phone call will be made to the students’ home when a student has been marked tardy or absent and not resolved by the attendance office. 

To view your child's attendance information, log in to Aeries parent portal

Under the Education Code for the State of California, it is our responsibility to enforce compulsory and regular school attendance. If students are not in school, the absence must be excused by a parent or guardian. Parents/guardians have a 24-hour period to contact the school to verify an absence. Failure to verify an absence will result in truancy (cut) on the student attendance record and disciplinary action may follow. Truancy proceedings will be initiated for students with 20% or more absences which are not cleared or valid. 

EXCUSED ABSENCES:  The following are designated as lawful absences: illness, medical, dental or legal appointments, death in the immediate family, school business, religious observances, and quarantine directed by a health officer. The school requires a time & date stamped note from the Medical, Dental, or Orthodontic office in order to change the absence from an unexcused to an excused absence. A complete listing of excused absences and their descriptions can be found in the Santa Rosa City Schools Information Handbook. This handbook is posted on the Santa Rosa City Schools website ( under ‘Families’. 

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES:  The following are considered unlawful absences: willful absence from school without parental knowledge and absence from school without acceptable cause with parental knowledge. One example of an unexcused absence is vacations during the school year when school is in session. Leaving early from school (30 minutes or more) is unexcused unless students are leaving for a lawful reason as described above. These absences are considered TRUANCY (cut) and absences of three or more days will result in truancy notification letters. 

EXTENDED MEDICAL ABSENCE:  If your student is away from school for an extended period (minimum 5 days), you can request a Short or Long Term Independent Study. This may be requested and obtained through the school office at 707-890-3880. 

SHORT-TERM INDEPENDENT STUDY PROTOCOL:  Short-Term Independent Study Agreements will only be approved (by principal or designee) for excused absences of at least 5 days, but no more than 18 days. The Board very strongly discourages family activities that necessitate a student’s absence from school. The Master Agreement for Short-Term Independent Study paperwork must be agreed upon and signed by all parties involved (parent, student, teacher(s), and administration) no later than two weeks prior to the planned absence. Teachers will then have two weeks to plan, organize, and provide appropriate assignments and instructional materials for the student. All student work is due within one day of return to school. Reference: Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6158, No. 9.d.

TARDY (LATE TO SCHOOL):  Arriving at school and classes on time is necessary for your success in the world of work and school! Being on time lessens disruptions to the classroom and the education of other students. Parents and students are responsible for students’ arrival to school on time. Oversleeping and chronic transportation difficulties are not valid excuses for arriving late to school. If students are late to school, they should report immediately to the Attendance Office to obtain an Admittance Slip before going to class. Please get to school prepared and on time! REMEMBER: School starts at 8:15 am. If you arrive after 8:15 am you MUST report to the Attendance Office.

EXCUSED TARDY:  Arriving late to school or leaving early from school will be excused for the following reasons; medical, dental and/or orthodontic appointments. Parents must sign their student in at the office and provide proof of the appointment. Failure to provide proof of an excusable appointment will result in the absence being coded as truancy (if missing more than 30 minutes of school). 

UNEXCUSED TARDY:  Arriving late to school or leaving early from school for any reason other than medical, dental, or orthodontic appointments are not considered excused tardies. 

LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAY:  The following procedures help to cut down on classroom interruptions during instructional time and will promote campus safety. 

  • Parents – Please send a note to school on the morning of the planned appointment. The note should include the student’s name, the reason for leaving, and the time you will need to pick up your child. 
  • Students – BEFORE school begins, give the note to the Attendance Office. 
  • A pass will be sent to the student at the appropriate time.
  • Parents – meet your child at the main office and sign your child out. If your child is returning that same day, then return to the main office upon return and sign your child back in. Your child then proceeds back to class. 

An absence of more than 30 minutes during the school day is unexcused unless for a medical appointment. Please bring in a doctor/dentist note to excuse the absence.

VACATIONS & TRIPS:  Going on a vacation or trip? Please bring a note to the attendance office PRIOR to leaving. Not to the teachers. The Attendance Office will help in getting all your students work to take with you. 

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:  Students absent from school more than two periods on the day of a scheduled school function (athletic game, dance, awards ceremony, etc.) are NOT ALLOWED to participate in that activity, EXCUSED ABSENCE OR NOT.

Herbert Slater Middle School is a CLOSED CAMPUS. Students are not permitted to leave school at any time during the school day without permission.